This one day program is designed for all managers, supervisors, workers and maintenance staff. An idea class size is up to 10 participants. A second day is required to conduct the practical evaluations. Normally we can evaluate 10 people over an 8 hour period.
We conduct this program in your facility or job site utilizing your equipment and situations familiar to your people.
Participants will learn:
- The Occupational Health and Safety Act, Construction Regulations and important definitions
- Personal protective equipment
- Truck inspection and maintenance
- The most common bucket truck hazards and precautions to be taken
- Operator Controls and Optional Systems
- Operating Sequence
- Fundamental precautions and safety tips
- Responding in emergency situations
- Fall-arrest systems
- Setting up at work sites
- Working in the bucket
- Step-by-step rescue descriptions
- Equipment required to evacuate
- Rescue with and without lowering boom
- The importance of practising rescue techniques
Each participant will receive course materials and a certificate of participation. The company will receive a record of training and a copy of the course materials for your file.
Length – Up to 2 days